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What I’m Working On

Jul 9 2021

Written By J David Baxter

Building a house and starting a new day job definitely puts writing on the back burner…

The bright side is that it has been through two editing passes already, and I am just adding a bit more here and there to improve the flow and give you all the best story possible.

My grand plan of releasing one book every 3 months has definitely not come to pass. But all hope is not lost! Book two is 90% of the way there. I finished writing it a few months ago, but editing has been slow. The bright side is that it has been through two editing passes already, and I am just adding a bit more here and there to improve the flow and give you all the best story possible. I expect to have it ready for the final edit in a week or so. That means it should be published by the end of August. *crossing fingers* One other issue I am having is with the cover. I’ve had a mockup version of it on the Greymantle Chronicles page for a while, but that also needs to be completed, and as you can tell my skills are not quite so great as Jeff Brown’s who did the fantastic cover of book 1. I am planning to add some extra content to the website as soon as Book 2 is released, such as maps, and floorplans for certain settings. Can’t give away too much for fear of spoilers. Beyond that, book 3 has been mostly outlined, and Book 4 has been planned. Nate’s primary story arch should wrap up in book 4, but there are at least 2 more Greymantle stories beyond that, either of which could turn into their own story archs. I also have several other books/series planned outside the Greymantle universe, but they won’t be published until after Nate’s story arch is complete. Hope you all like the books and keep coming back for more! Please be sure to add reviews on Amazon, or through whichever vendor you make your purchase. Those really help!

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